Duration 21 mins


End the DSM and the APA's attempted SteriliZation of Human Spirit NOW!


The American Psychiatric Association has brought mankind a great evil, a subversive and pernicious document named the Diagnostic Statistical Manual. This repugnant institution is, the ideological force behind the mass drugging of the western world, with millions subverted into a legal form of drug addiction, but worse than that, the results of their pseudo-medical endeavours, alongside the corrupt and malevolent pharmaceutical corporations, are homogenising our mentality toward a banal and trepidatious form of social conformity, which is gradually bringing about a sterilisation of human spirit.


Omitting any statistical data or information whatsoever, the DSM-5 boasts around 400 untestable, arbitrarily constructed diagnoses, with fabricated pseudo-academic jargon that could condemn just about any human being alive as mentally afflicted, if applied with the motive to do so.


Freud's cocaine induced, one dimensional, perverse, corrupt and spiritually void work has yielded the festering, rotten fruits of elitism, racism and a bigoted coercion toward social conformity. Psychiatry and State licensed/controlled 'psychology' is a curse on our modern world, a plague. We see big Pharma corporations working hand in hand with 'deep state' social engineers, and those that condition the public mind, to bring into manifestation a form of pestilence, where no victim is too innocent or too young to be exploited, persecuted, sedated, forcefully assaulted or detained and tortured.


State licensed social workers in affiliation with CPS (Child Protection Services) are encouraged by means of Federal incentive, to attain a monthly quota of legally abducted children to furnish their trafficking affiliates, preying on our children, destroying families, stripping Mothers and Fathers away from our beloved children; using the DSM as justification and bureaucratic means to commit such inhumane atrocities, persecuting parents into social conformity and state obedience.


Your child could be crying, asserting themselves in infancy, as all healthy children do, a collectivist minded neighbour could call CPS in concern or disparagement, and within a matter of days you could be involved in the corrupt, unconstitutional statute code system of bogus law, drawing you into a nisi prius (no jury or tribunal, within a court of no record) ruling. A psychological profile on you and your children could ensue, that could put your status as a parent in the hands of a corruptible 'judge', an officious clerk, or an automaton debutant, with a 'psychology' degree. At which point your lawyer and the state 'services' are the only few that benefit. Our children essentially bear the brunt of this invasive and Machiavellian statute mutilation of common law.


Due to the State imposed eradication of Doctor - Patient privacy, one ingenuous visit to your General Practitioner, revealing any issue of stress, sadness or anxiety, could lead to you or your children being legally abducted, drugged, committed to a psyche ward or institution. CPS have been exposed for targeting children to order, based on skin, eye and hair colour, disposition and beauty. With countless stories of abuse and traumatic domestic devastation recorded to date. If you doubt what I am saying research Nancy Schaffer, a Senator that gave her profession and lost her life to expose the corruption of CPS/Social Worker establishment institutions and Federal Government agencies, a true American hero...and there are many others to thank that we are now aware of these predatory legal criminals, functioning as sociopathic storm troopers for the State and the legal trafficking trade.


The sociological result of living as a parent in perpetual trepidation, or peripheralized fear of losing ones children is conformity. A threat that looms over the head of every parent in the western world. A hateful neighbour, a stilted lover, a begrudging Mother in Law, anyone with an axe to grind could destroy a parent's life with one phone call to CPS or social 'services': so practice saying "have a nice day" to that scowling friend of a friend that stands for everything you seek to change in this world, practice grovelling to that spiteful, jealous neighbour who hates the fact you are more liberated in mind, or have a better looking, sweeter-hearted wife or husband, practice diplomatically tolerating the idiocy of school teachers that indoctrinate your children into indentured servitude, erroneous belief structures, rivalry, corporate curriculum, financial slavery and ignorance. Practice not challenging any ideology that is establishment authenticated, allowing a lowest common denomination mentality to become your default position, and make sure you keep up appearances in your social sphere...or else it could be you!!! The thought police are a phone call away, and they'll wield their 'psychology' diplomas and the DSM to snatch away your beloved child, if you are seen as unfit by anyone nasty enough to use the State system in self righteous judgement or vengeance. In my estimation there should be zero tolerance regarding CPS, CDC and FDA corruption...if we are to subscribe to institutions of this nature, then every affiliation, professional AND personal transaction of every member, should be subject to public scrutiny; accessible and discernible to all, period. We are supposed to trust these institutions with our health, yet we allow revolving door scenarios with Pharma corporations?!


One of the worst of these psychopathic Pharma/chem corporations is Bayer, whom were the creators of Heroin. Sadly, since their marketing and distribution of this opiate compound, many families have been, and still are afflicted by the loss, or the possession of a loved one to this heinous drug. Before Bayer's distribution of Heroin, in western culture, opiates where generally used by those that could afford them. Now we see the horrors of heroin addiction as an epidemic, adversely affecting the impecunious, and almost targeting what the Bilderberg name as the 'precariat'. Bayer's IG Farben / Nazi roots are known to many now, a company that employed a Nazi war criminal at executive level, after his Nuremberg sentence was cut short. As if Bayer's history was not bad enough, their recent merger with Monsanto, one of the most evil corporations in history, shows that Bayer IS the corporate personification of Satan: cultivating, maintaining and thriving off our sickness and woe. How do we allow such an infection in our society to exist and operate with impunity? Again, who benefits from their work? I would speculate that it is those that wag the unseen hand of depopulation, in aspiration to attain mass subjugation and global dominion. The upper echelons of the banking world–a psychopathic syndicate of elitists that cultivate such corporations, do so for a reason: nothing is random with these folks, nothing is by chance, we live in an orchestrated socio-economic climate, with a few elitist dynasties constructing events, perceived realities and social dynamics in accordance to their long term vision of elitist global totalitarianism.


Sir Francis Galton's social philosophy is slowly being manifest by means of Pharma's atrocious affiliation and symbiosis with the APA, The FDA, CDC and worst of all CPS. And behind the curtain, the elitist banking syndicate wave the fiscal wand to actualise it.


Benjamin Rush, gave the game away, when he rightfully stated that medical freedom should be included in the US constitution. His infamous and barbaric 'psychiatric' experimentations suggest that he should have pursued law instead of butchery as a profession, but none the less, his statement reveals a MASSIVE loop hole in the US constitution that is being widened with every legislation that erodes medical freedom. What's the use in having a 2nd Amendment to protect us from enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC, when we grant the power of injection to trans-national corporation/government(District of Columbia/USA INC. Since Act of 1871). Ingenuously allowing the influence of Pharma's pseudo-science/public relations narrative, and advertisement to justify our subjugation of mind, to sedate any natural impulse toward dissent. What's the sense in a 1st amendment, when the APA, subvert consensus to such a large degree? If you exercise your right to free speech, you could get your children heisted by the State's weaponized CPS foot soldiers, or you could be condemned as 'mentally ill' by those around us that have sacrificed their individualism for collectivist conformity. The sociological result of the APA, and State controlled 'psychology ' opposes classical American ideology, eradicates social freedom, sovereignty of thought and personal expression.



"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism..."


~ G. Brok Chisholm

Co-Founder of World Federation for Mental Health



In terms of science, we are still scratching the surface when it comes to our knowledge of the human mind. The barbarism of psychiatry proclaims expertise by means of Newtonian reductionism (the reduction of something to it's parts). Basing thesis and anti-thesis on the assumption that our mind exists within our brain, neglecting any possibility of extra-dimensional meta-physical function. In terms of quantum mechanics, the human mind is still unchartered territory. And we are supposed to succumb to the authority of an institute of psychiatry that a few generations ago was practicing the method of lobotomisation, wielding a pseudo-medical ideology to murder, sterilise, incarcerate and torture innocent human beings. Many of the drugs they now push essentially result in a similar outcome to lobotomy. Drugs that turn sensitive, vibrant human beings into substance dependent mono-syllabic vegetables. Sometimes we all are afflicted by our own sensibilities, sometimes weakened by traumatic circumstances that arise, but I would suggest that using pharmacological crutches, for the most part, impedes the natural establishment of emotional and psychological strength to deal with our many challenges in life. Within the laws of manifestation, if an entity flourishes from affliction, it will seek to perpetuate it.

The notion that negative emotions are 'bad' is key to their system of control. To see grief from the loss of a loved one as 'bad' instead of a perfectly natural state of mourning. To see fear of loss, or anger from an attack as 'bad' instead of an impulse that could be harnessed to precipitate action, or pursue transformation of dis-satisfactory circumstance. We are conditioned to think of these emotional impulses as 'bad', when in truth they are most necessary in a world of deceit and tyrannical abuse. Attaining strength of mind to endure adversity and challenge should not be the responsibility of the State, and if we give it to them, don't be surprised when they heist our liberation of thought. Anyone not affected by the horrors of our world is ignoring them or is catatonic. I suppose both of those mind states suit those elitists that would aspire to rule a docile herd of obedient slaves:



"I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers"


~ John D Rockefeller.



Parents! please beware: Schools and colleges are promoting 'psychology' as a subject to pursue in 'higher' education. As if a degree in this subject gives you some form of social superiority. A secret knowledge of the human mind. When most curriculum is built on the foundation of Freud's asinine, absurd and sociopathic defacations. Also, furnishing one's self with a delusion of social superiority, is an unpleasant attiribute to attain; an attribute that is commonly associated with psychotherapists around the world. Also, there is the notion of being trained to disingenuosly lull human beings into a false state of security, by method of false disposition, so as to manipulate their 'clients' to reveal the inner workings of their psyche; such pretenses do not serve a human being to be real and true in general social interaction or discourse.


Remember there are only a few occupations that actually require a 'psychology' degree: Social workers/Psycho-therapists, which are ideologically State controlled by means of licensing, and Advertising, which is, for the most part, a form of corporate collectivist conditioning that is often most harmful to the human psyche, and to society at large. If your child is genuinely inerested in the human mind, or in inspired to assist others in distress, please consider encouraging them on a path of self education concerning this subject, as the possibilities for academic subversion are many, and in my estimation, actual experience and autonomous research is the only way to really learn about such a broad, and transient subject.


Encouraging your child to pursue a corporate/establishment doctrine of 'psychology', envokes the plausibility that their life's vocation may be consumed by the establishment, turning your innocent free spirited child into a thought police State storm trooper, to subvert society toward collectivism, using the DSM, to sway social consensus and behavior toward conformity. Or worse still they could become an advertising yuppy. Both occupations are equally dubious in terms of morality, social benefit and lifelong application.


A true history of Actress Frances Farmer's life should be known by all. A most talented woman that was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia: another DSM diagnoses that could be applied to just about any intellectual worth their salt. She was brutalized, tortured and lobotomized, for being feisty, assertive and of her own volition; attributes that were not acceptable within a female in the 1940's. Other reports by credible historians say that she was privy to conspiratorial conduct at the seat of Hollywood's circle of power. A witness to the elite movers and shakers of centralized entertainment, and that the CIA was involved in silencing her, using disreputable assertions of insanity to discredit and institutionalize her. After enduring years of incarceration, electric shock treatment, hydrotherapy, and drugging at the hands of 'Dr' Donald Nicholson, of state mental hospital, Steilacoom (WA), surprisingly, she still had significant mental faculty. Once freed from the Steilacoom, she continued to assert her rebellious spirit, or 'erratic behavior'. 'Dr' Donald Nicholson was then instructed by the CIA to seize her, returning her to Steilacoom, where they forcibly lobotomized her; turning her into a vegetable, a compliant, submissive docile. All of this was perpetrated against her will. We know of this story because of Farmer's fame, think of how many stories of this nature are buried by the obscurity of psychiatry's many victims. I ask was 'Dr' Donald A Nicholson ever brought to justice? I suspect not. If a Nuremburg style trial were to transpire relating to the atrocities of psychiatry, many thousands of 'psychiatrists' would be found as guilty as Nicholson for crimes of barbaric and inhumane torture.


According to Dr. John Coleman, Paranoia's original meaning is; an ability to make correlation between subject matters that seemingly have no relevance. In essence, a faculty of deduction. With 'para' meaning beside or beyond, and 'noia' stemming from νόος (noos) meaning 'mind'. I find it most interesting that a word born with the definition; beside or beyond mind, could 'evolve' into what it is generally understood to mean anything from acute suspicion to 'chronic mental derangement' in our modern age. The word could describe lateral thought, hyper-cognizance or extraordinary astuteness, yet it has been contorted to bolster the notion of 'mental illness', and is commonly associated with delusion. A subtle but effective form of post Freud social conditioning, to procure a social fear of alternative perception, or a questioning of what is 'commonly' believed to be true: in short, conformity. Subjugating mentality from within the very construct of vernacular, as words are spells in thought and in vocalization. It's almost as though that word was chosen to have it's true meaning occulted, mutilating it's actual meaning to a definition that would discourage the application of it's original substance. As though the elite intellectuals of the 1800's, knew that the proletariat was about to gain access to higher education, and proceeded to veil words that may inspire interest toward a hidden faculty of mind, masking them with perniciously constructed definition to send the enquirer in the opposite direction of interest. Adding a lower tier to the hierarchy of advanced education, whilst cultivating 'mental illness' as the new heresy. Punishable by means of condemnation, social shunning, institutionalization and torture. It would seem that the aristocrats of that century wanted to maintain their intellectual stature of superiority and class, despite the forecast, and inevitability of widespread higher education, with the proletariat gaining access to universities. We see this form of linguistic concealment and subversion in many words, such as 'evolution', now commonly associated with Darwin's absurd theory of human origin for instance.



The work of Dr. Thomas Szasz should also be commonly known, a courageous intellect and humanitarian, alongside some essential documentaries that present some interesting historical information...

Professor Thomas Szasz speaks absolute sense regarding psychiatry.

Must see documentary, but it's not just about money! A larger agenda of depopulation and social control works it's way by means of psychiatry, & the corporations/state establishments that benefit from it's many abuses...

Essential documentary The DSM: Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam.

An absolute must see documentary including a history of psychiatry.*

A BBC Documentary A History of the Madhouse. *

A 'progression' of Freud's asinine ideology. A psychiatric method of enforced conformity. Now we have a combination of political correctness, media subversion and pharmacological coercion or enforcement. *

Documentary on the Sociological Results of Psychotropic Drugs *

* Material curation coutesy of unslaved.com

Jason Smith exposing Purdue / Sackler Dynasty as flagrant legal Heroin pushers, in symbiosis with criminal drug cartels



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